Genetic Counseling

About Genetic Counseling

Genetic counseling advises on the risk of development and transmission of genetic disorders.
Major steps in genetic counseling would involve:
1. Confirmation of the diagnosis
2. Construction of family pedigree
3. Explaining the disease process to the patient and their family
4. Calculating & interpreting the risk of disease transmission

Finally, discuss with the patient and the family on the options available to manage the condition that would include genetic testing.


  • Helps to understand the genetic health
  • Proposes solutions to improve your wellbeing based on test results
  • Who should undergo counseling?

    • Patients suspected with hereditary disease in the family,
    • Advanced parental age,
    • Fetus or child with birth defects,
    • Child with mental retardation,
    • Recurrent and or spontaneous abortions,
    • Consanguinity etc